Bushfires - Samiya

More information on bushfires
Link to sai's website - sugar glider
Link to Cindy's website - biome

What is the cause of Bushfires?

Bushfires require three key components to ignite and spread:

A natural cause of bushfires is lightning strikes. The sun's heat can also start bushfires by igniting dry plants and trees. Human activities can also start bushfires like unattended campfires, arson, discarded cigarettes, or/and burning carbon embers from train engine exhausts or brake failure.


>Moore, A. (n.d.-b). EXPLAINER: How wildfires start and spread. College of Natural Resources News. https://cnr.ncsu.edu/news/2021/12/explainer-how-wildfires-start-and-spread/

What are the 3 most dangerous examples of your Bushfires?

The three most dangerous examples of bushfires were called Black Saturday, Black Friday, and Ash Wednesday. They all took place in Victoria, Australia. Black Saturday happened on February 7, 2009. This day was devastating. One hundred and seventy-three people tragically lost their lives, 414 were injured, more than a million wild and domesticated animals were lost and 450,000 hectares of land were burned. Black Friday happened on January 13, 1939. The fires claimed 36 lives in Victoria on Black Friday; the total number of deaths across January was 71. Approximately 1300 buildings were lost – more than 700 homes, 69 sawmills, many businesses, farms and other buildings. Ash Wednesday happened on February 16, 1983. Over 100 fires swept across Victoria and South Australia.


National Museum of Australia; c=AU; o=Commonwealth of Australia; ou=National Museum of Australia. (n.d.-b). Black Saturday bushfires. National Museum of Australia. https://www.nma.gov.au/defining-moments/resources/black-saturday-bushfires

Bushfire - Black Friday, Victoria 1939 | Australian Disaster Resilience Knowledge Hub. (n.d.-b). https://knowledge.aidr.org.au/resources/bushfire-black-friday-victoria-

Forest Fire Management Victoria. (2023, February 15). Ash Wednesday 1983. https://www.ffm.vic.gov.au/history-and-incidents/ash-wednesday-1983

How do bushfires imapact the Temperate Broadleaf & Mixed forests? What are the positive and negative effects?

Bushfires impact our biome which is Temperate Broadleaf & Mixed forests. There is mostly negative effects which include many trees and wildlife getting destroyed. The fires in these areas usually thin out and reduce the number of small trees and burn dead and down material on the ground in the forest, while the larger trees survive. The one positive in this situation that might occur is that after the bushfires, the ecosystem could get more diverse. This is a process called secondary succession which usually leads to a more diverse ecosystem when the area is restoring its health.


Fire in Ecosystems: Forests (U.S. National Park Service). (n.d.). https://www.nps.gov/articles/000/fire-in-ecosystems-forests.htm#:~:text=The%20fires%20in%20these%20areas,while%20the%20larger%20trees%20survive.

How do bushfires affect sugar glider? What are the positives and negative effects on their life?

Bushfires have a very negative impact on organisms in Australia, including sugar gliders. Sugar gliders rely on trees for their diet of leaves, nectar, pollen, sap, and insects. Most of them also rely on tree hollows which is their habitat. Bushfires kill many sugar gliders and their homes. This negatively impacts sugar gliders in many ways including habitat and diet making them compete for resources. Bushfires leave them homeless and without food.


Bushfires pushing Australia's arboreal wildlife, including gliders, to the brink | Wildlife Preservation Society of Queensland. (n.d.). https://wildlife.org.au/bushfires-pushing-australias-arboreal-wildlife-including-gliders-to-the-brink/